A Mutual Mission: Author Donates Profits from Book to Center to Empower Women
“So there I was, 40 years old, close to broke, with two children, and no way of making a living,” said author Judy Resnick, in an excerpt from her new book “I’m On My Own, And So Are You.” By her own description Judy was “raised to be a wife and mother.” After her divorce, she learned a new skill and succeeded as a financial planner. She realized that other women could benefit from her experience and knowledge, and wrote two books about investing and financial management. Sharing the Center’s mission of empowering women through economic independence and self-sufficiency, Judy graciously pledged the profits from her new book to the Harriett Buhai Center.
To purchase Judy’s book “I’m On My Own, And So Are You” on Amazon.com please click here.