Helping Women Who Have Served Our Country
The Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law recently began a new service that will strengthen the care provided to women veterans living in Los Angeles. The Domestic Violence Outreach for Women Veterans Project is designed to address the domestic abuse experienced by women veterans, and lower the risk of physical and mental health problems associated with personal violence. Specifically, the Project will teach women veterans and the Veterans Administration healthcare providers how to recognize intimate partner violence, and how and where women veterans can seek help to end the violence.
Harriett Buhai Center Staff Attorney, Meredith Alexander, is overseeing the project, along with help from volunteer Sascha Bensinger and former law student intern Carrie Holmes. The response from the VA has been extremely enthusiastic,” said Ms. Alexander. “They have been very eager to work with us and have told us that there is a huge need for these types of family law services for female veterans.” The first legal education class was held on Friday, November 22nd.