“Super Saturday” is a Win-Win for Clients and Law Intern Alumni
“The Center has a special place in everyone’s heart and we all come back because it’s a second home,” said Suzanna Megrabyan, a former law intern alumni returning for the Center’s inaugural “Super Saturday” on April 25, 2015. Joining Suzanna were 12 other alumni, all former law student interns who spent a past summer or semester at the Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law working under the direction of its lawyers, learning family law and helping clients. Meeting clients again on the “front lines,” the interns gave one-on-one legal advice, dispensed referrals, and provided some basic domestic violence and family law education.
With prior experience and training from the Center, the alumni were valuable resources for the day’s 12 clients. Staff Attorney Holly Leonard who was present to help oversee the day, said, “They were amazing. We’d all like to see them come again.” Carrie Holmes, one of the participating interns, commented that the session was a confidence builder to see all that she had learned while at the Center, and it reminded her of the gratification of giving back to people who truly need family law help and cannot afford it.
The day was a win-win for all, and Holly gets her wish, the next Super Saturday event will be back by popular demand in September 2015. Watch for the announcement on Facebook and Twitter.