Announcing our Newest Volunteer Program: You’ll FLIP for it!
The Center’s new Family Law Intensive Program (“FLIP”) gives attorneys and law school graduates the chance to learn the basics of California family law over a short period of time under the guidance of an experienced Center staff attorney. This immersive program helps lawyers find their footing in family law – guiding them through completing forms, learning the Family Law Code and assessing cases.
FLIP volunteers are asked to donate two days of service per week for a minimum of ten weeks. If you’d like to apply to the Center’s next FLIP cohort, please email our Volunteer Coordinator, Taryn May, at volunteer@hbcfl.org.
Megan Mangassarian was one of the Center’s first FLIP volunteers. After learning about the Center’s highly rated work from local family law practitioners, Megan knew that this was where she wanted to be. Her experience gave her a close-up view of how Center attorneys handle cases, and she says, “The most valuable part of the program was sitting with Center attorneys and listening to their process and reasoning for each case.” After she completed the FLIP program, Megan began working at a family law firm in Los Angeles and plans to continue in the field. Whenever she finds the legal system frustrating, Megan recalls the work being done at legal aid organizations like the Center: “The Center restores my faith in the system.”
Before discovering the Center’s FLIP program while attending the Center’s New Volunteer Training, Jeremy Masys worked as a white-collar defense attorney. Plied with questions from friends about their family concerns, Jeremy realized family law was of great interest to him and changed his career path. Through the Center’s innovative FLIP model, Jeremy has already gotten hands-on experience writing trial briefs, initiating paternity cases, initiating client intake, settling a matter in court and acting as
Photos: Megan Mangassarian and Jeremy Masys