What’s Happening?

Identifying and Solving Special Education Problems in a Family Law Case

Program Overview: This program will introduce participants to special education law and its relevance to and integration in family law cases. The goal of the session is to provide attendees with the tools to identify a special education problem, understand how these laws work, and resolve conflicts between parents regarding rights and services for their
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Family Law Training for New Volunteers

Join our remarkable team of over 300 volunteers who aid us in our mission of assuring low-income families in Los Angeles access to the courts, reducing poverty among children and stopping domestic violence.  -Make a difference in the community -Learn family law -Build your skills as a lawyer, paralegal or student -Network with other lawyers
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Everything You Need to Know About Laying a Domestic Violence Record for Appeal

Through an interactive program of lecture and discussion taught by Nancy K.D. Lemon, a nationally-recognized expert in domestic violence, participants will learn the “Top 10” principles of laying a record for appeal in domestic violence cases. Trial attorneys will leave this session better equipped to: Prepare Statements of Decision; Recognize cases in which an appeal
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Center Starts Alumni Network; Hosts Mixer at the Culver Hotel

For many of our former interns, the Center is home. Those who have had the opportunity to spend a semester of law school working one-on-one with the Center’s staff know that interns are held to high professional legal standards. Not only are they taught case management skills and how to communicate effectively with clients, they
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October 2014 CLE: How to Conduct A Successful Client Interview

  Friday, October 24, 2014 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. 2.25 CLE Credits   Overview of the Program This CLE was created to help you interview family law clients more effectively with an emphasis on working with challenging individuals. It will identify some of the obstacles to successful interviews and show you techniques to overcome these barriers, enhance rapport, and gather relevant case information. Have
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