Joanna*, a victim of sex trafficking and severe abuse, was a recent client of the Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law. Excerpts from her very powerful story, drawn from her own words, make it clear why your support is needed and what benefits you will create for others who are suffering. Please give today. Donate
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Escaping the violence of an abusive husband and a war torn country, Mary* created a new life and family in Los Angeles. Early in her second marriage, she learned that her first husband was not dead as she had believed. With her new spouse’s help, she immediately obtained a divorce decree. After 30 years of
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Jimmy’s Trauma Jimmy,*only 8 years old, clutched his stomach and fought the wave of nausea as he confided in the therapist and relived the mental images of his father hitting his mother over and over, punching his teenage brother and angrily calling his older sister names that he knew were bad. Back in counseling after
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Esperanza* treasures her new life after ending a 31-year marriage. The generous unexpected gift she gave to the Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law expressed the depth of gratitude as a former client. With the help from the Center, volunteers and its supporters, she attained financial peace of mind and regained her self-worth. For years,
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Tonia wanted to protect her young son from his father’s deadly rages. They had been trapped in an escalating cycle of abuse, threats and erratic behavior. In the worst and most recent episode, Tonia’s son, just five years old, likely saved her life by seeking help. Tonia sought legal assistance from the Harriett Buhai Center
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