
“Watching the Black Letter Law Come to Life”

“I have seen victims of domestic violence—who are scared and unsure of themselves—morph into assertive women and men who know their rights and want to take charge of their cases after coming to the Buhai Center,” said summer 2013 intern, Suzanna Megrabyan. “You would not experience that in a classroom.” The resounding message from the
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Recognizing the Center’s Rising Stars

Success can be defined in many ways. One measure is contribution to public service and community welfare. For 7 Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law volunteers recently recognized by Super Lawyers magazine as Southern California Rising Stars, their ascent includes helping very low-income family law litigants. The Center extends well-deserved congratulations to Johnna K. Boylan
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Trope and Trope Fellowship Makes Impact on Center, USC Student and Community

Designed to foster passion for public interest, the Trope and Trope Fellowship annually affords one University of Southern California School of Law student with an opportunity to be immersed in family law as a summer intern at the Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law. Sorrell Trope, distinguished co-founder and principal of the firm, forged an
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Harriett Buhai Center Receives Innovative Program Award

The Harriett Buhai Center, one of the largest non-profit organizations providing family law services in the state of California, was honored by the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (“AFCC”) for its trailblazing efforts. The AFCC, an interdisciplinary association of lawyers and mental health professionals dedicated to resolving family conflict, presented the Harriett Buhai Center
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Former Center Board VP Laura Wasser Honored by Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence

The Harriett Buhai Center extends warm and well-deserved congratulations to Laura Wasser, a partner in the prestigious Century City law firm Wasser, Cooperman & Carter, P.C. Ms. Wasser is being honored by the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence with its Advocate Award. A strong proponent for ending violence in our community, Ms. Wasser participates
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