
“Leveling the Playing Field” Top 4 Volunteer Attorneys Donate Over 2,100 Hours

Four women from very different walks of life met at the Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law to give back to their local community. Imbued with a mutual spirit of service and compelled by an interest in family law, volunteer attorneys Karen Rosin, Holly Leonard, Nora Kavner and Mercy Fresno (pictured from left to right), collectively dedicated
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Fatherhood Classes and Collaboration Started by the Center

In collaboration with Children’s Institute, Inc. (CII), a local non-profit specializing in the treatment and prevention of child abuse and neglect, the Harriett Buhai Center is working to address the problem of absentee fathers. Through “Project Fatherhood” the Center is helping to engage low-income dads in the care and upbringing of their children. Through the project,
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You’re Invited! Los Angeles Paralegal Assoc. Hosts Center Talk on Domestic Violence and Incarcerated Moms

TO ALL PARALEGALS, ATTORNEYS & OTHER LEGAL PROFESSIONALS: The LAPA Family Law Section Presents: Domestic Violence and Mothers Behind Bars Incarcerated mothers, who are survivors of domestic violence and non-violent offenders are one of the fastest growing prison populations in California. Featuring: Meredith Alexander, Esq., of Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law This presentation will
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Harriett Buhai Center Honored by El Camino College

On May 18, 2012 The Harriett Buhai Center and HBCFL Senior Staff Attorney Cheryl Segal were honored by El Camino College for the Center’s Community College Program. Community colleges play an important role helping low-income students and their families become self-sufficient. Providing the support they need to stay in school is important not only to
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Welcome 2012 Summer Law Student Interns

The Harriett Buhai Center is thrilled to welcome our 2012 Summer Law Students Ashley Caldwell, Rebecca Fischer, Meaghan Glisczinski, Shani Kupferman, Kelley Lowe, Brody McKelvey and Laura Zaragoza. Law students are an integral part of the Center’s practice and the Center is strongly committed to mentoring and training our students. During their first two weeks
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