
Advisory Council Member Laura A. Wasser featured in LA Times!

On Sunday, July 31st, long time Center supporter and Advisory Council member Laura A. Wasser was featured in the Los Angeles Times! Pat Morrison interviews “Breakup artist” Laura Wasser. For the full article click here

A Touching Thank You

In early June, a grateful client wrote to a Center pro bono attorney C.C.* to thank her for the wonderful services she received: “Hi C., I received your letter this morning ending your services. Wow, I actually sat down and sobbed. You have been such a wonderful part of my life these past several years. I
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Volunteer Training Day – What a Success!

On Saturday, June 11th the Center held its family law training for new volunteers at Loyola  Law School. The day began with the Honorable Dianna Gould-Saltman, a former volunteer and family law attorney, greeting the crowd. Experienced volunteer attorneys joined with Center staff lawyers in teaching to the new enrollees. Thank you to volunteers Amy
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“A Mothers Ordeal” – Chronicled by Sandy Banks, LA Times

On May 21st and 24th, Los Angeles Times writer Sandy Banks published a two-part article on a single mother’s struggle to regain custody after being arrested (the charges were later dropped). To read the full story on the Los Angeles Times website, click here. As the Harriett Buhai Center currently has two programs dedicated to
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“Litigating with Paper Clips and Rubber Bands”

On May 11, 2011 the Daily Journal ran an article authored by Harriett Buhai Center Executive Director Betty Nordwind, Harriett Buhai Center Advisory Council Chair Judy Forman and her associate Terry Steen. The article discusses the state of legal services for the poor in California and the struggle low-income litigants, like the Center’s clients, face.
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