
Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law on the “Front Lines” for Veterans

Nathan Goncalves, J.D., an Army veteran and the Equal Justice Works Fellow at the Center, spoke at the Equal Justice Works Conference about the new Veterans Family Law Project at the Center. He is working with experienced Center staff attorneys to provide free legal services and legal education to veterans. Nathan has personally experienced the challenges
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In Memoriam

The Harriett Buhai Center and the legal services community lost a great leader when Jim Preis, Executive Director of Mental Health Advocacy Services, died on Friday, October 12, 2018. A vigorous public interest lawyer until the day he died, Jim represented some of the most vulnerable individuals in LA- those with mental disabilities who face
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California Supreme Court Victory!

California Supreme Court victory!  In a unanimous recent decision, Bianka M., the justices of the CA Supreme Court ruled that minor immigrant children can be considered for special immigrant juvenile status (SIJS) in a CA custody proceeding in which only one parent participates as long as notice and the opportunity to be heard is provided
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Giving Back After All the Years

The halls of the Harriett Buhai Center buzz with lively discussions of legal issues and past trials from the three retired volunteer lawyers and one on sabbatical who are contributing their time and knowledge. Bringing collective legal experience of nearly 200 years, Pat Lynch, Jerry Friedman, Mercy Fresno and Richard Gould-Saltman represent new and highly
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Hall of Fame Award 2017: David P. Shebby

David P. Shebby wanted to be a lawyer since elementary school. Even at a young age, Shebby knew he was destined to “do good for society.” A graduate of Cal and Stanford Law School, he started a more traditional career in commercial litigation. Offering fuller service to his business clients introduced him to family law
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