We’ve created a faster way to learn about the Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law. You can easily share our electronic information packet with your friends and colleagues. We encourage you to open it to see all the people and programs helping low-income families move forward with their lives, stopping domestic violence, preventing homelessness and
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David P. Shebby, Hall of Fame Award The Hall of Fame Award honors a volunteer whose efforts exhibit, by action and deed over an extended period of time, exceptional service and dedication to the Center, its clients and its causes, and who has left a permanent mark in its history. “My favorite part of the Center
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Victory! The Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law and its pro bono partners, the Family Violence Appellate Project and Manatt, Phelps & Philips LLP, won a significant victory for domestic violence survivors last week. To read the published decision which is now binding legal precedent for all trial courts in California, click here. Facts The Center’s client, Priscila N., had
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Pat Lynch, 2016 Recipient of the Center’s Frances Wender Kandel Award Helping clients surmount their legal challenges “is absolutely a team effort,” says Pat Lynch. “I see myself as a junior player, and I’m glad I get the chance to play on the Center’s team.” The ultimate “utility player,” Pat assists the clients as the
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Denise Nardi, Hall of Fame Award The Hall of Fame Award honors a volunteer whose efforts exhibit, by action and deed over an extended period of time, exceptional service and dedication to the Center, its clients and its causes, and who has left a permanent mark in its history. Pat Lynch, Frances Wender Kandel Volunteer
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