Once again owing to support from its donors, the Center became a teaching academy for its full-time summer law student interns. “We are grateful for the funds we receive from our supporters to underwrite our law student program,” says Betty Nordwind, Executive Director. Here are some of the students’ comments: Alisa Wecker, the Trope Fellow
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Promotoras Program Starts Eager, but anxious, the nine volunteers sat in a circle wondering what was ahead of them as Promotoras, (female promoters) of domestic violence education in their community. Through the Harriett Buhai Center’s community advocacy training program, the current and former clients of the Center, all Latina, are learning how to talk to
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“The Center has a special place in everyone’s heart and we all come back because it’s a second home,” said Suzanna Megrabyan, a former law intern alumni returning for the Center’s inaugural “Super Saturday” on April 25, 2015. Joining Suzanna were 12 other alumni, all former law student interns who spent a past summer
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During a presentation to the board of the Latina Lawyers of Los Angeles Association, Alicia Molina, one of the Center’s bilingual volunteer attorneys, expressed how valuable it is to speak Spanish with Latina clients and understand their cultural background especially when discussing domestic violence and immigration issues. Johanna Sanchez, another Center volunteer attorney, credited the
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“The Best Way to Start Your Day is with a Hug” Paul Ginsberg, father of Larry Ginsberg, died on April 13, 2015. Described as a “legend” and “institution” at the University of Wisconsin Madison where he worked and lived since 1951, he sheparded thousands of students through the roughest parts of their college lives. As
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